Monday 14 February 2011


Well times have changed.
They've changed more tims than I like to count since that fateful day. And now you're happy with someone else. Everyone around us was following our story and its aftermath rather closely. Even still today.
So what did I do amidst all these staring eyes and peer pressure? I'll tell you what I did. I just hid behind my cigarette and pretended I didn't care. Now I realise that I lied to myself.

I do fucking care. Everytime I think about you and him together, I'm burning inside. Burning with anger, regret and dread.
I've spoken with friends about these kinds of frustrating problems. And no matter how good the friend, no matter how deep the conversation, they always had it easier. They always knew which way to go, and what to do. Their situations were predictable. They knew if it was gonna get better or worse. In the end, they were all the same stories.

I have different stories.
All of the things that revolve around this problem are purely products or projections of my mind. I am actually creating most of this pain. And that is why I cannot deal with it. That is why it's become unbearable. My mind is going nowhere. It doesn't drown me in misery or illuminate me in happiness. It keeps me rooted to the spot and teases me, rendering me restless and petrified at the thought of a change.

How do I move on?
Where do I go from here?
Sleeping forever sounds like an adequate solution.

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